Suicide Prevention Across Rush County (SPARC) is a community task group dedicated to suicide prevention and awareness activities in Rush County.

Our goals and activities include:

  • Raising suicide awareness and reduce stigma through community events and education
  • Transforming suicide care provided in our community with an emphasis on improving accessibility and effectiveness
  • Coordinating community training on suicide and other mental health needs
  • Supporting SPARC Youth Voice, a group of local youth that meets regularly to raise suicide awareness, learn about mental health, and connect to mental health resources in the community

The SPARC Fund is a part of the Healthy Community Funds of the Rush Memorial Hospital Foundation.

SPARC Suicide Prevention Walk Registration

After filling out this form, PLEASE download and fill out this release form for the event. Forms can be emailed, mailed, or hand-delivered.

Each form submission is for one person. If you are attending in a group, each individual participant will need to fill out their own form.